We are deeply rooted in science

Co-founder Dr. John Simonsen's life-long love and pursuit of chemistry has shaped his 30-year career as a PhD university professor. He pioneered the first-ever college-accredited course in Industrial Hemp and spearheaded numerous research and development projects focused on hemp-derived innovations.

As a brand, science is in everything we do, and in every way we do it. It is infused into our farming practices, formulations and processing. It is discussed with enthusiasm at the dinner table. For us, science is everything. It is all of nature, and in all of spirituality.

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Third-Party Lab Reports

We send all of our products to be tested by a third party laboratory. Not only is it imperative that we ensure the quality, purity, and potency of our hemp for our own integrity, but so that you can be assured that what we say you are getting is actually what you get.